DENOMINATIONS: Catholic, Protestant (Adventist, Anabaptist, Angelican, Baptist, Calvinist, Evangelical, Holiness, Lutheran, Methodist, Penticostal) Easterin: Assyrian, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Nontrinitarian: Jehovah;s Witness, Latter Day Saint, Oneness Penticostal
CULT: A cult is generally anything taught that deviates from the historic person and teachings of Jesus Christ or adds to his teachings at the instruction of ONE person who dictates that belief at any given moment is then most certainly cultic in nature.
CULT: A cult is generally anything taught that deviates from the historic person and teachings of Jesus Christ or adds to his teachings at the instruction of ONE person who dictates that belief at any given moment is then most certainly cultic in nature.
I made my child sick because of my lack of faith - one of the things told to parents by Benny Hinn Ministry when his healing doesn't truly heal someone. People like Todd White and Benny Hinn are a true danger to people.
This type of ministry is nothing more than the Power of Suggestion with Hypnosis!
This type of ministry is nothing more than the Power of Suggestion with Hypnosis!
PROSPERITY MINISTRY: The only ones getting rich are those at the top of the ministry.