So that people clearly understand what this web site is all about - AND to share a little bit about who I am. I are not here to push a Democratic or Republican agenda - in fact no political party agenda at all. This web site is about exposing anything and everything that takes America's hard earned money and spends it on things which are against the Constitution and the safety and welfare of those same legal Americans. Along with that I will try to expose actions taken by our government against innocent Americans. America Does Have Dirty Laundry!
What is an American? It is someone who was born here or has come to this country legally and became a U.S. citizen. We are not African-Americans, Polish-Americans, Irish-Americans or Italian-Americans, we are Americans. We have enjoyed learning the history, life styles and certainly the different food dishes of those who have come to live with us. |
I ask nothing of you but to become one of us - not to make our country into the country you left. If you want your old country to be like America, I suggest you go back there and teach them about our Constitution and the other things which have made us great. We are not perfect, but we are America! I am passionate about protecting our children against those who wish to control them. Be it through education or by human trafficking and everything in between. I love this country and admire those who gave so much to give her to us which I guess is why I am so passionate about preserving her. I do have relatives that put first footprints on this land and each and every one of them are most likely rolling over in their graves as to what men and women following them have done to her. I am a conservative Christian who gives no support to any particular political party but rather the value of the man or woman who is running for office. I follow the words of George Washington in his Farewell address that "political parties would be the ruination of this country with the ego's of men causing eternal division between her people". The American people have forgotten that Congress DOES work for us and that we (the states) are the bosses and the job of Congress is to manage the "purse" according to our wishes. We as a people have been asleep and comfortable for far too long. Wake-up times are at hand! |
Interview With God from Richard Holdman on Vimeo.
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