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- The “Great Reset” Turns Man Into Machine to Serve Elite. Alex Newman —
- Henry Makow. One area that has not received nearly as much attention is the plan to fuse human beings with technology under the guise of “improving” mankind.
The Great Reset: Deep State Globalists Taking
Over the World—and You! by Alex Newman
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WEF "Leader Klaus SchwabDeclares "all aspects of our societies & economics need to be revamped" and he and his buddies think are the very ones to do it adding they will be working within a narrow window.
John Kerry stated, "Biden would support the Great Reset with greater speed & intensity than most people might imagine. Biden has not openly discussed the subject.
The Great Reset” was unveiled at the World Economic Forum (WEC) in Davos, Switzerland last June 2020, using the coronavirus pandemic and “global warming” as pretexts to impose on the world far-left social programs like government-provided basic income, the Green New Deal, universal healthcare, and of course, massive tax increases.
Never having accomplished anything of importance on his own, like Charles the 2 of them cooked up this deal on that boat in the Atlantic that day.
Mark Benioff
As owner of Time magazine & founder of Salesforce he is also a board member of the World Economics Forum 10 - we don't need to say anything else.
Having given out several signals he leaned far into the Communist agenda, his role in the Reset is not a surprise to anyone. Manipulation is his namesake.
Jeff Bezos
Bezos gives Billions to Global Warming Groups
Never having been trusted with any "royal" duties of importance, he figures a One World Gov move would make him shine.
Oprah Winfrey
Claiming she is nothing more than a neoliberal, for some reason the big boys have been inviting her to join them in their secret meetings since 2009.